Sophie's work is deeply devoted to the body, the womb and the Earth. Through her bodywork sessions, 1:1 work and group programmes, she offers an experience of gentle, nurturing, beauty-filled energy that is equally deep, profound and transformative: a true emanation of embodied feminine essence.
In 2018, Sophie quit her fast-paced corporate job in London and travelled throughout India for a year. Through her experiences there, she discovered that her path to liberation was truly through the body. She trained in Hatha & Restorative Yoga in India but quickly realised that her true calling was taking her even deeper. Since then, her work has become wholly focussed on the restoration of feminine energy, within each woman, within our relationships and within the world. Her endless fascination with both the primality and divinity of being a human makes her a bridge between the practical and the energetic and her countless experiences of descending down into the depths of the void make her a relatable guide to midwife others through some of life's greatest transitional moments.
On retreat, she offers Energy Healing Massage and Womb Massage for our guests. These sessions are so much more than just massage: they are a journey into the landscape of the body, the territory of sensation and the underworld of emotion, creating a space for expression, release, integration and rest that supports the bigger journey of the retreat itself.
Read more about Sophie and her powerful work here